Mikhail Krechetov Personal page

Generating Gabriel graphs.

I first learned about Gabriel Graphs when our team faced the problem of random planar network topology generation. There are many other beautiful models known such as Urquhart and Relative neighborhood graph. In this post, I will demonstrate a few ways to generate random Gabriel graphs in Pure Python. Gabriel Graph Definition Graph $G$ is call... Read more

Game of Life on graphs.

When I first learned about Cascade Models I become interested in how does the topology of a graph influences the dynamics of cascades on that graph. Is it possible to test graph isomorphism by comparing some statistics of cascade models on different graphs? I summarized some of my ideas in the preprint, but didn’t really tried to publish it, sin... Read more

Animating cascade models.

A year ago I worked with researchers from the University of Arizona under the supervision of Misha Chertkov. We were working on pandemy modeling and have finally published a paper in Scientific Reports. In my first blog post, I will describe a simple but fruitful Cascade model and will show one possible way to visualize this model’s dynamics in ... Read more